Thursday, July 30, 2020

A lot has changed since we, the Gruvers, began our blog journey.  Two years later and our family has grown exponentially - we have gained new grandkids and in-laws.  Our faith has grown even more as we have moved through some really hard times, with Jesus leading every step of the way.  These experiences have called us to take up our cross and die to self even more but through it all He has been faithful.  Our marriage has experienced healthy growing pains too, and we are deeper in love with one another and growing as a couple in ways we both never thought possible.

We have moved again!  We are settling in to a new church and a new season of ministry for Steven.  We are now residents of the Weather Capital of the World - Punxsutawney, PA.  We have met Punxsy's most famous resident (from a distance) Phil and stood in Gobblers Knob.  We have a beautiful house we get to call home and are nestled amongst rolling foothills of the Allegheny Mountains.  We love the Amish farmland that surrounds us and most of all, the people we are meeting.

We are striving to not only survive but thrive amidst our first pandemic; finding new ways to do life and ministry.and make new connections and stay close to those we hold dearest in this crazy season of life!

We await the birth of our precious grandbaby Louie in early November (thanks for the birthday present, Browns!).  We have experienced the heights and depths of emotion surrounding sweet little Lou - doctors discovering some serious genetic issues at almost 20 weeks, being told he probably wouldn't survive, to where we are today - he appears to still face some significant challenges but heart and brain look good and they now believe he will live and be our little miracle fighter (our hope and prayer).  The expression, "I do not know what the future holds but I know who holds the future" has never resonated more.  Please keep Louie and his family in your prayers with our thanks!

We believe even more in our saying that "You Get What You Create".  We will explain more as we go along so stay tuned!

Blessings Along the Journey,
Elizabeth and Steven